2021 Bird of Prey Week Schedule
2021 Bird of Prey Week

Braddock Bay Raptor Research is excited to announce that not only will we be able to offer live programming this year but we are also expanding Bird of Prey Days back to a full week’s worth of programming. Our full week of events will offer both virtual programs as well as live programs located at and around Braddock Bay Park.
This year’s theme is “Small But Mighty” and highlights smaller birds of prey, and the little things we humans can do to help wildlife.
The schedule is just about complete! Registration is NOW OPEN for all in-person programs on May 1 & 2, as well as some of the virtual programs during the week. Check the schedule below or visit our Events Page. We cannot wait to have you visit this year!
BOP Week 2021 Online Auction
Take part in BBRR’s Bird of Prey Week Online Auction and get a chance to win some awesome prizes while helping support the raptors and our programming. Prizes include artwork, bird houses, gift baskets, raptor programs, and more!
BOP Week Auction Closes
Monday, April 26, 2021
Virtual Programs
1:00pm - A Day in the Life of a Wildlife Rehabilitator
From screech owls to black bears, find out what it takes to be a wildlife rehabilitor. Learn about the patients and meet the raptor education ambassadors of Kindred Kingdoms.
Presenter: Jean Soprano, Kindred Kingdoms Wildlife Rehabilitation
7:00pm - Spring Raptor Migration at Braddock Bay
This presentation will introduce you to the raptor migration that takes place at Braddock Bay every spring season. Learn about some remarkable raptors and the various ways BBRR studies the migration and the birds including the hawkwatch, raptor banding program, and owl roost surveys. Find out about the dedicated work of our volunteer crew and how you can participate in activities that support raptor conservation.
Presenter: Daena Ford, President BBRR
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Virtual Programs
10:00am - Survival by Degrees: 389 Bird Species on the Brink
Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise. Survival by Degrees uses the latest science to predict how ranges might shift under future climate increase as little as between 1.5 and 3 degrees. This information provides the insight we need to help birds persevere. The study, first released in October of 2019, includes data from 140 million observations of where birds live, recorded by millions of birders and scientist around the world and over many decades. Come learn what changes we might expect, and how individual efforts can help make a difference.
Loretta will share this study developed by Audubon, Cornell Labs, and other global partners, and show what changes have been projected for the our area. Participants will be shown how to use the visualizer so they can target in on their own zip code, as well as suggestions to help mitigate the impact of a
Presenter: Loretta Morrell, Membership Chair, Genesee Valley Audubon Society
7:00pm - Wildscaping in Any Space
Find out how humans can be good neighbors to wildlife by introducing native plants and reducing invasive ones.
Make small but doable changes in even the most urban setting. Learn to evaluate your space and introduce Natives to replace Invasive plants, add to existing gardens, attract pollinators, birds and welcome wildlife.
Presenter: Carol Erb, Master Gardener and BBRR Educator
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Virtual Programs
10:00am - Simple Organic Practices from the Ground Up
Learn simple organic practices and products to protect and benefit wildlife, pollinators, Humans and pets. Find out where to begin from the ground up with fun and doable small acts that make a BIG IMPACT!
Get the dirt on compost, mulch, fertilizers, yard maintenance practices, pesticides, reading plant and seed labels in order to create a healthier oasis for ALL in your own backyard.
Presenter: Carol Erb, Master Gardener and BBRR Educator
1:00pm - Bald Eagles: Back from the Brink
Join Montezuma Audubon Center Environmental Educator, Alyssa Johnson, for a virtual program detailing the conservation success story of Bald Eagles in New York State. Once on the brink of extirpation, their numbers have rebounded significantly and are no longer listed as an endangered species- Federally, or at the state level. Learn how the Montezuma Wetlands Complex played an incredible role in the reintroduction of Bald Eagles in New York, and where you can enjoy seeing them in the wild today.
Presenter: Alyssa Johnson, Montezuma Audubon Center Educator
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Virtual Programs
10:30am - Screech Owls!
Screech owls are common and widespread in the Eastern US but can also be secretive. They are often heard but can be hard to see. Learn about the biology of the screech owl, it’s habits and habitats and how you can possibly attract one to your landscape. A guest appearance from the Helmer Nature Center’s educational Eastern Screech Owl will be part of the program – you won’t want to miss it!
Presenters: Liz Magnanti, President of the Rochester Birding Association and Manager of The Bird House; Helmer Nature Center Staff with Sherlock the Eastern Screech Owl.
1:00pm - Owl Migration at Braddock Bay
Learn about the importance of Braddock Bay’s Owl Woods as a migration stopover for Northern Saw-whet Owls and Long-eared Owls.
Presenter: Jim Adams, Owl Roost Survey Coordinator, BBRR
7:00 PM Tiny, Tough & Terrific Birds!
A new Prius gets 55 miles to the gallon – but a Blackpoll Warbler gets 720,000, and on just a few grams of fat he can fly 2000 miles nonstop over the ocean as he migrates from New Jersey to South America. A human needs about 2000 calories a day – but a Brown Creeper needs only ten, and just one tiny spider enables him to climb 200 feet up a tree. The world’s fastest sprinters take five steps a second – but a Ruby-throated Hummingbird beats his wings 53 times a second, and he can move forwards or backwards. These birds may be tiny, but they are capable of amazing things. In this fun talk aimed at both kids and adults, we’ll explore North America’s tiniest birds and learn just how terrific they really are.
Presenter: Andrea Patterson, Director of Braddock Bay Bird Observatory. After two decades of studying philosophy, Andrea had a not-quite-midlife career change and began studying birds instead. While still a novice birder with birds in trees, she’s an expert with birds in the hand. Just don’t ask her what her favorite bird is, because she loves them all.
Friday, April 30, 2021
Virtual Programs
7:00pm - Chasing Broadwings from Pennsylvania to Peru: Broad-winged Hawk Migration Ecology
From 2014 through 2020 Hawk Mountain has tracked 16 Broad-winged Hawks during nesting, migration, and wintering periods using satellite tracking. Because Broad-winged Hawks have declined in some parts of their range, the study is focused on understanding basic biology as well as possible conservation threats. In this talk we will share the overall findings on broad-winged hawk migration ecology, habitat use, and possible conservation threats. We will share basic biology such as length of migration, departure dates, migration speed and compare patterns in adults and young birds. We also will discuss the 2021 plans to tag hawks nesting in northeastern states to compare migration patterns among populations.
Presenter: Laurie J. Goodrich is the Director of Conservation Science at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Orwigsburg, PA. She serves on the HMANA Board of Directors and as a Fellow in the American Ornithological Society. Her favorite place to be is watching hawks at Hawk Mountain’s North Lookout.
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Virtual Programs
9:00am - Good Morning from the Banding Station
Live Stream from the BBRR Raptor Banding Station
7:00 PM - Hawk Mountain Sanctuary's American Kestrel Program
An overview of 70 years of monitoring and the new collaboration to identify population declines in the eastern flyway.
This talk will provide an overview of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary’s American kestrel monitoring effort which began in 1934 but has been a targeted project since 1970. Enjoy a detailed overview of the research techniques and findings from the oldest American kestrel nest box program. Hawk Mountain is currently spearheading an ambitious collaborative study on the eastern seaboard aiming to assess drivers for regional population trends, while providing insight into why some populations of this phenomenal farmland falcon are in decline!
Presenters: Bracken Brown, Biologist-Naturalist, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
Live Events (In Person) – Registration will open soon!
10:00am - Sharp-shinned Hawk Survival Guide
An interactive program for kids and their families.
Presenter: Nick Hadad as Kele Kestrel
Limited Seating – REGISTER NOW!
10:00am - 2:00pm - Meet and Greet with Live Raptors
No registration needed. Come visit throughout the day from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Presenter: Gary Zimmerman, Black Creek Wildlife Station
11:00am - Rehabilitation of Small Raptors, with BBRR's education birds
Learn about the reasons these raptors need rehabilitation, typical treatments, and requirements for release back to native habitat. Meet two of BBRR’s education raptors that have done through the rehab process – our Merlin and Broad-winged Hawk.
Presenter: Morgan Hapeman, Wildlife Rehabilitator, Finger Lakes Raptor Center and Daena Ford, president of BBRR
Limited Seating – REGISTER NOW!
12:30pm - American Kestrel Survival Guide
A great way for kids and families to learn about one of our smallest raptors!
Presenter: Nick Hadad as Kele Kestrel
Limited Seating – REGISTER NOW!
1:30pm - Wildflower Container Gardens Workshop
Participants will be automatically entered to win their own container garden to take home! Demonstration will include instructions for both shade and sun gardens, and wildflower seed planting. This is a great example of something small that can have a big impact on native wildlife. Free wildflower seeds will go to each participant.
This in-person Bird of Prey Week program will take place at the Donald Schleiter Lodge at Braddock Bay Park, 199 East Manitou Road. Pre-registration and payment of $5/person is required. Seating is limited to 30 people. Please check in when you arrive and note that face masks must be worn for the entire program. Contact information@bbrr.org with any questions.
Presenter: Carol Erb, Master Gardener and BBRR Educator
Limited Seating – REGISTER NOW!
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Virtual Programs
9:00am - Good Morning from the Hawkwatch
Live Stream from the Braddock Bay Hawkwatch platform
Live Events (In Person) – Registration will open soon!
10:00am - Pint Sized Predators: Saw-whet & Screech Owls
Learn about some of our smallest owl species and meet a pretty big one, too! Interactive program for kids and their families.
Presenter: Nick Hadad as Kele Kestrel
Limited Seating – REGISGTER NOW!
10:00am - 2:00pm - Meet and Greet Live Raptors
No registration required. Come visit throughout the day from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Presenter: Gary Zimmerman, Black Creek Wildlife Station
11:00am - Merlin Mania
Learn about these bold falcons and meet a real Merlin in person with Kele the Kestrel! Interactive program for kids and their families.
Presenter: Nick Hadad as Kele Kestrel
Limited Seating – REGISTER NOW!
12:00pm - Remarkable Raptors with Live Birds of Prey from BBRR
Come learn about the spectacular raptor migration that happens every spring at Braddock Bay, Meet BBRR’s raptor ambassadors up close and personal and learn about the fascinating abilities of some of our locally found birds of prey.
This in-person Bird of Prey Week program will take place at the Donald Schleiter Lodge at Braddock Bay Park, 199 East Manitou Road. Pre-registration and payment of $5/person is required. Seating is limited to 35 people.
Presenter: Daena Ford, President of BBRR
Limited Seating – REGISTER NOW!
1:30pm - Fairy Garden Workshop for Kids
Each registered child will receive their own fairly garden greenhouse kit to make on the spot, or take home with them. Kits include a recycled “greenhouse”, soil, moss, plants and all natural accessories for the fairies. Create a mini garden home for pollinators and your favorite fairies. How’s that for small and mighty?
This in-person Bird of Prey Week program will take place at the Donald Schleiter Lodge at Braddock Bay Park, 199 East Manitou Road. Pre-registration and payment of $10/person is required. Seating is limited to 20 kids, with an adult present. Please check in when you arrive and note that face masks must be worn for the entire program.
Presenter: Carol Erb, Master Gardener and BBRR Educator
Limited Seating – REGISTER NOW!