Bird of Prey Week – Saturday Activities
Come to Braddock Bay Park and join the celebration of the migration! BBRR is excited to bring our Bird of Prey Days event back for 2021 with the following in-person* activities on the weekend of May 1 and 2. No registration required to join in the fun below:
HAWKWATCHING – Visit the Braddock Bay hawkwatch and learn about the many different kinds of raptors (hawks, eagles, falcons and more!) that migrate through the area. Get a free hawk ID guide and hawkwatch scorecard to keep track of your sightings. Bring your own binoculars or borrow from BBRR. Volunteer interpreters will be present at the platform from 10am – 2 pm.
MEET LIVE RAPTORS – Live birds of prey will be on exhibit from 10 am -2 pm from both BBRR and Black Creek Wildlife Station. It’s a great chance to meet some of these amazing predators up close and personal.
EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS – In addition to BBRR, the following organizations will be present providing interesting and educational materials about birds of all kinds! The Bird House, Genesee Valley Audubon Society, Rochester Birding Association and Honeoye Falls-Lima Manor School Artwork
*BBRR will be have the following COVID safety guidelines in place for our in-person activities this year:
- Masks will be required of guest and all BBRR staff and volunteers when interacting during indoor or outdoor activities. Please come prepared.
- Social distancing of at least 6 feet will be encouraged.
- There will be a limited number of 50 guests allowed indoors at the Donald Schleiter lodge at any given time.
- There will be a one-way flow of traffic entering and exiting the building.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided at various locations.