Braddock Bay Raptor Research
Hawk Days of Summer 2020
August 21 & 22
BBRR welcomes you to Hawk Days of Summer 2020. We’ve lined up some great content to share with you during the event, from videos, to web stories, to live events. Join us virtually, or at a safe social distance while we conduct our #SummerHawkWatch. August is when Red-tailed Hawks begin their natal dispersal and our volunteers will be out each day in August with their eyes to the sky to count these birds.
Our Hawk days of Summer is the celebratory event of this month and we look forward to entertaining you. Our history is rich with in person programming, but, just as raptors learn to adapt to changes their environment, so too have we adapted to changes in ours.
Below you will see previews of the online events to come. We will be turning on the links at the time posted on the event. Once live it will be there forever, so you can enjoy it at any time. Our live streams will be hosted via Facebook Live. You will be able to watch them as they happen and later in the day we will post links to the recorded live streams in case you weren’t able join us live.
We’re excited to bring this new type of event to you. So let’s get started!
August 21 , 2020
Virtual Event Kick-Off!

August 21 – 7:00 pm
Red-tails of Braddock Bay and Beyond- Livestream
Learn about one of North America’s most common raptors the Red-tailed Hawk, and the incredible natal dispersal of youngsters that happens every summer at Braddock Bay. BBRR’s efforts in studying these birds include over 3 decades of banding research as well as raptor counts to monitor the numbers from year to year.
Watch it Again on
August 22, 2020 – Online Events

August 22 – 9:00 am
Education Raptor – Red-tailed Hawk
Get up close and personal as our education birds make their “film” debut. We’ve prepared short videos highlighting each of our wonderful education ambassadors. Learn how they came to our organization, how they represent their species, and help BBRR deliver our message to organizations all over the region.

August 22 – 9:00 am
Education Raptor – Merlin
Get up close and personal as our education birds make their “film” debut. We’ve prepared short videos highlighting each of our wonderful education ambassadors. Learn how they came to our organization, how they represent their species, and help BBRR deliver our message to organizations all over the region.

August 22 – 9:00 am
Education Raptor – Great Horned Owl
Get up close and personal as our education birds make their “film” debut. We’ve prepared short videos highlighting each of our wonderful education ambassadors. Learn how they came to our organization, how they represent their species, and help BBRR deliver our message to organizations all over the region.

August 22 – 9:00 am
Education Raptor – Broad-winged Hawk
Get up close and personal as our education birds make their “film” debut. We’ve prepared short videos highlighting each of our wonderful education ambassadors. Learn how they came to our organization, how they represent their species, and help BBRR deliver our message to organizations all over the region.

August 22 – 9:30 am
Hawkwatch Check-in – Livestream!
We bring you live to the Hawkwatch for a quick update on how our volunteer counters are faring. Join us in our #SummerHawkWatch from the comfort of the Internet!

August 22 – 10:00 am
Kele’s Red-tailed Hawk Survival Guide
Great program for KIDS and the young at heart! BBRR’s special mascot friend, Kele the Kestrel, gives us a look into the behaviors and adaptations that Red-tailed Hawks use to survive in the wild.

August 22 – 10:20 am
Conversation with Kele – The Red-tailed Hawk
Kele will introduce you to BBRR’s Red-tailed Hawk in a conversation with raptor caretaker and BBRR President, Daena Ford. Great for KIDS and the young at heart.

August 22 – 11:00 am
Virtual Tour – Braddock Bay Park
Join us for a tour of Braddock Bay Park. Learn more about where we conduct our Spring migration count and one of the areas the comprises the Braddock Bay Wildlife Management Area.

August 22 – 12:00 pm
Web Story – Raptor Banding
Our banding program is an important component of the scientific work conducted at BBRR. Learn more about banding, how we do it, and its value to our mission.

August 22 – 12:30 pm
Hawkwatch Check-in – Livestream!
We bring you live to the Hawkwatch for a quick update on how our volunteer counters are faring. Join us in our #SummerHawkWatch from the comfort of the Internet!

August 22 – 1:00 pm
Birding Optics – Tips from The Bird House
Liz Magnanti from The Bird House in Pittsford, NY provides an overview of the different optics available and how to choose what is right for you.

August 22 – 4:00pm
Hawkwatching & Raptor Migration in the Northeast
Ryan MacLean, Bird Education Specialist at Greenwich Audubon Center (and former BBRR Hawk Counter!) joins us live to discuss specifics on migration in the Northeastern United States.