Spring Hawk Counter Position Available for Braddock Bay Raptor ResearchDuration: March 1 – May 31, 2019Application Deadline: January 15, 2019Job Description:Braddock Bay Raptor Research (BBRR) is seeking an experienced hawk counter to conduct the spring raptor count...
Written by Jim Adams Gliding and bouncing low over the grasslands and marshes of New York state, the Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) is one of New York’s more distinctive birds of prey. Unlike high soaring eagles and hawks, harriers spend most of their time close to...
Nothing excites our visitors more than seeing raptors up close and personal. There are many ways to do that at Braddock Bay, from the hawkwatch to the banding station to the Owl Woods. Encountering wild raptors in their natural habitat is surely a thrill. Just as...
By Barbara French, BBRR Raptor Bander “There’s a kettle with 7 eagles!” The excited text blinked on my phone, and I didn’t even have to wonder who it came from — master bander and licensed eagle bander, Dan Niven. A few exchanges later, I...
Braddock Bay fans often enter into the month of May lamenting that the hawkwatching season has past its peak, and it’s all downhill in terms of raptor migration at least. It doesn’t help that our eyes are easily turned to the colorful menagerie of warblers and other...